I just made a big decision. I changed my major. Not drastically mind you, but enough to add a few more classes and push off my graduation date..... again. This is what happens when you change majors, transfer schools, and again change majors. Yeah... it sounds like a lot- even as I type it. So I should be a full fledged teacher in May of 2017. Only two years to go, only four semesters and two summers of classes to go. It is so weird to be still in school when all of my friends that I went to High School with are out of college now. Does that somehow mean that I am a failure because I don't have a degree in my hand at the end of this month? Does it somehow mean I am behind because I'm not married or having babies yet?
I grew up abroad, traveling all over and that has always been a very important thing to me. Since I moved to a bigger city in Kansas I have met a few people that just want to live like a nomad. They don't want to settle down, they don't want to commit to one place, they just want to travel and see. I first thought that was what I wanted. I just wanted to travel and see the world. But I also know that I want a family, a husband and a stable life. Can those two lifestyles be combined? Is it only one or the other? My boyfriend and I made a pact to travel as often as we can, but at the very least, once every two years. He made it a point to understand my love of travel and encourage it. And that is when I realized that I can have both. I can have the family, the job and the traveling life. I just have to work for it. And that is why I am going to work my butt off and ace the rest of courses so I can provide a good life for my kids, for my future husband, for my future students, and of course, me.
I grew up abroad, traveling all over and that has always been a very important thing to me. Since I moved to a bigger city in Kansas I have met a few people that just want to live like a nomad. They don't want to settle down, they don't want to commit to one place, they just want to travel and see. I first thought that was what I wanted. I just wanted to travel and see the world. But I also know that I want a family, a husband and a stable life. Can those two lifestyles be combined? Is it only one or the other? My boyfriend and I made a pact to travel as often as we can, but at the very least, once every two years. He made it a point to understand my love of travel and encourage it. And that is when I realized that I can have both. I can have the family, the job and the traveling life. I just have to work for it. And that is why I am going to work my butt off and ace the rest of courses so I can provide a good life for my kids, for my future husband, for my future students, and of course, me.
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