Relaxing To Reach Your Goals

I  have high-anxiety, I take medication for it everyday.
I have a high-level of stress frequently.
I also, have had depressed episodes in my life.
So, because of this, I feel that I am somewhat qualified to talk about all of these and how they relate to fitness.

     Stress, depression and anxiety all play a huge role in how our bodies work. Cortisol is a hormone that is produced when the body is under a lot of stress. Cortisol causes a lot of different things to happen; bloating, weight retention, trouble sleeping, problems with digestion, problems concentrating, headaches, and get this- anxiety or depression. Isn't it a potentially vicious cycle? You get anxious about something, so your body produces cortisol, which if you stay in fight-or-flight mode, can cause depression, which then will make you anxious, which starts the circle right back again.

     Stress management is 100% the key to helping your body understand that it isn't in danger. I know some of you reading have very stressful jobs and lives. Newborns, deadlines, other people to deal with, etc. But managing your stress can make losing weight, sleeping better and feeling your best, so much easier.

     Like I said in the beginning, I've been dealing with a lot of stress and emotional based issues for a long time. However, it wasn't until I started training for a bikini competition that I fully understood how much all of those things affected my body and my goals. I've been really struggling on different ways to de-stress daily. I've tried many different things and complied them into a list to hopefully help you out if you're in the same boat! I've found many of these activities helps me relax and also help relieve my depression.

Here is why you're here!
My Favorite Ways to De-Stress

1) Take a bubble, epsom salt bath! It is such a great way to relax and practice self-care! Especially if you've been training, help those sore muscles! Add some candles and music if you're feeling extra fancy. 
2) Watch your favorite show- even if you've seen it a million times! I can't tell you how many times I've seen FRIENDS or The Flash.
3) Talk to someone. Your best friend, your significant other, your sibling. Someone who will make you laugh and listen to how you are feeling. 
4) Create something. I like to make a physical object that I can show/hold. Paint, draw, friendship bracelets, bake some cookies, etc. 
5) Take a walk. Take your dog for a walk, go by yourself, or with a friend. I like to go by myself and listen to a podcast. 
6) Go to a small shop and get yourself a little something. I'm not talking 5 doughnuts, I'm saying a drink you like or a small treat. 
7) Do your nails. Giving yourself a manicure is always a nice little pick me up. 
8) Namaste. Catch a yoga class and get a little intrinsic. 
9) Journal. Journal, journal, journal. I carry my journal on me at all times, you never know when you might need to let some thoughts out. Not only that but it is always great when you have a free minute to write out how your day is going. 
10) Read a good book. This is one of my favorites because you can read in the bath, you can read in bed, in a corner with a cup of tea. You can read anywhere and you can lose yourself in a story. 

By relaxing you are able to help your body naturally lower cortisol levels. And by reducing cortisol, you can reach your weight-loss, fat-loss, body composition goals, much faster. 

Those are some of the things that I find most helpful and most relaxing when I'm struggling. I hope it helped someone today! 


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