Goal Completed.

Have you ever felt like you want to do so many things but you have no idea where to start?
I have always had a goals list If you know me, I am definitely a list maker; it keeps me organized, it helps me relax and pushes me to stay motivated. But my goals tend to be things that I want to add to my daily routine. For example, I want to start making time to walk my dog every single day even if it means waking up earlier in the dead of winter. My puppy is a lazy bones and I tend to let her lay around or chew on her bone until it is time for her to be let out before I have to leave for class or work. One of my big pros for convincing my man to let us get a dog was to be able to go for a walk everyday. So I want to add that into my routine, but does that mean I need to add it to my Goals List?
   Some people only think goals count if they have a deadline. Don't get me wrong, I can see the appeal of having a deadline but then that means I don't necessarily have to continue once I have the goal completed. #Lifestylechange is one of my favorite hashtags to use because I truly want to focus on changing my lifestyle to be healthier and more fit.

   This past month I completed my first 5k. Since then I've heard a few people say, "5k is not that big of a deal. An easy 3.1 miles." After hearing that, I just laugh. To them, and more people I'm sure, 5k is not a big deal at all, 'its their warm up', but to me, 5k was a huge step towards my overall fitness goal. I had to try running to train myself for it, and I am not a skilled runner. I was able to cross off something from my goals list and that not only makes me feel proud but also motivated to continue working towards being able to do a Tough Mudder one day, and then on to a Spartan race, and so forth. 
This is my next running goal to complete.
Following through with the goals that I set out for myself help me become more confident in myself, which is something that I am working on. I want to be able to tell my children I have no regrets and that I worked as hard as I could to earn everything I have/have done.
   About the first kilometer, I did not think I was going to be able to finish. I had my Dad on one side of me and our family friend, A, on the other side telling me I could do this, I could finish. And I did. It was the best feeling ever crossing the finish line. I didn't even care about what time I got, I just cared about finishing. I ran my first 5k in 38 minutes. That's 3.1 miles in 38 minutes. I usually run a mile in 12+ minutes (I know, I have a terrible running time) but I was stronger than I thought I was.
In order to complete my next running goal, I have to add in things to my daily routine in order to reach it. I guess I need to add it to my list.
My Dad and I after we finished the Color Run


  1. There is no better feeling for a parent than to witness his children accomplish their goals. You did it Ali, and I'm extremely proud of you. Keep it up!


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